Dr Rachel Sawyer: Parent Experiences of EBSNA
25 April 2024 - 15:30
Dr Rachel Sawyer: Parent Experiences of EBSNA Rachel is an Educational Psychologist who completed her doctorate on EBSNA. She will present her published paper and vital research on parent/carer experiences of emotionally-based school non-attendance informing a 'SPIRAL' framework for successful reintegration. Throughout the year we will be offering a series of virtual seminars exploring a range of key topics to support attendance. These will be delivered by national experts and recognised speakers and will include: - SEND perspectives and inclusive curriculum - Therapeutic approaches to reducing barriers - Forging positive partnerships - Attendance strategy and policy implementation - EBSNA - and more!
Recommended for
Those who have completed EBSNA training: Senior Leaders (does not need to be HT or DHT) SENCOs Attendance Officers Inclusion Leaders Pastoral Leads Learning Mentors Family Liaison
Further information