Reflective Inquiry Cycle: Supporting the Attendance of Learners with SEND
26 March 2024 - 09:30
Learners with SEND are disproportionately absent in comparison to their peers and face a number of additional barriers that can impact on their attendance. These often complex and multi layered challenges can lead to learners missing significant periods of their education and impact negatively on a range of outcomes (social, academic, independence & many more). Our Inquiry project will bring together leaders and practitioners from 10 schools across the city (mainstream & specialist) to share practice and explore the unique challenges learners with SEND face with regards to attendance and collaborate on innovative and proactive approaches & solutions. Participants will attend 5 Inquiry CPLD sessions over the Spring / Summer term and will also be given free access to the Evidence for Learning app for 1 year which will help to capture our individual and collective progress across the project and beyond. https://www.evidenceforlearning.net In addition participants will receive a free place at a regional SEND in mainstream conference featuring national leading professionals and speakers . If your school is interested in being a part of this exciting project please contact Alistair or Laura. Please note: the form below is an expression of interest, and does not guarantee a place. Due to the focus of the work, schools will be selected on priority of need.
Recommended for
SENCOs Inclusion Leaders Attendance Leads
Further information
alistair.crawford@stmartins.set.org laura.horvath@dcct.co.uk