Emotionally-Based School Non-Attendance (EBSNA)
Introduction to the ATTEND toolkit
23 May 2024 - 09:00
Objectives and Learning Outcomes: - How to identify and understand the various factors within a child, home and school which interact to both cause and maintain school non-attendance - How to gather information for an individual student to understand the push and pull factors around non-attendance - How to co-construct a plan - How to work-with and support parents and young people along the way Consideration of whole school approaches to prevent risk of school non-attendance 23rd May - 9-4pm 5th June - 9-12pm 10th July - 9-12pm
Recommended for
Senior Leaders (Day 1) Attendance Officers SENCOs Pastoral Leads Inclusion Leads We strongly recommend two members of staff per setting, to include a member of SLT (for day 1 only) who can disseminate the key learning points to all staff, and a member of staff who can do the direct work needed with families and pupils who are finding attendance difficult (to attend all 3 sessions).
Further information