Children with a Social Worker: COMMUNITIES OF PRACTICE
Supporting Attendance of Children with a Social Worker
29 April 2024 - 15:00
Working in partnership with research bodies and experts to bring together school staff to share knowledge on how best to support the attendance of children with identified needs. Attendance of children with a social worker. Facilitated by University of Derby to utilise their expertise in research and practice for Inclusion and SEND. This is a coaching-style programme that will give participants access to advice and guidance from key professionals across the city to support you with any LAC, CIN or CP students experiencing barriers to attendance in your school. Participating schools will not only benefit from direct input, but will be part of shaping a vital city-wide approach to supporting children with a social worker. Interested schools should use the following criteria when selecting a student(s) case to work with: - Child has had a social worker or social care involvement at any point in the last 6 years. - Attendance is around 70-89% (this is not mandatory) - Is currently in Year 1-5, or 7-10 (as project will continue into Autumn term u201924 and child should still be in current school to measure impact) Delivery will take place through 5 sessions across the summer and autumn term. Places available for 20 schools (1-2 attendees per school) Date/Time: 29th April - 3-5pm - University of Derby 3rd June - 2-4pm - Online 15th July - 2-4pm - Online September - TBC November - TBC
Recommended for
Any practitioner supporting the attendance of children with a social worker; DSL/DDSL CPO LAC lead Wellbeing / Family Support worker It does not need to a colleague at senior leadership level. 2 members of staff can attend per school.
Further information